Request Group Travel Form
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Group Leader's Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Where would you like to travel?

Island, Europe, Cruise please list here

When would you like to travel?

Please be specific as Travelers Bug does not scan for the best airfares only within specific dates up to 1 week before and 1 week after. 

Are your dates flexible?
Please choose only one option.
Type of vacation
Please select all that apply.
Are you just seeking travel information, or are you interested in booking and utilizing Travelers Bug as your travel advisor?
Please select all that apply.
Service Fees

Service Fees

"Please note: If you are requesting multiple destinations due to uncertainty of where you'd like to travel, Travelers Bug LLC will discuss a required search fee. This fee covers the extensive hours put into researching multiple options. Some search fees can be negotiated and may be applied to your final balance or refunded upon your return."

Please choose only one option.
Preferred airport

Please list a major airport close to your home. Bradley International does not offer non-stop flights to the islands or Europe. Also list JFK, Newark, Boston or LaGuardia

How many travelers?

When securing group space all terms and conditions will be provided.  Deposits may be required and will be discussed prior to reserving space with any vendor. The deposit will be paid by the group leader(s). 

Please select all that apply.
Age of passengers

As a group provide an age range for. your group. (example mostly adults with a few minors)

What is your vacation budget per person?

Please provide an estimate price per person

This group will require meeting space
Please choose only one option.
Travel Advisory

Travel Advisory FYI

Please note if you owe back child support or have past felony or a pending warrant you will have issues leaving the country.

Please choose only one option.