
Tour Operator
Bethany & Tsiraiky

If you have more time and are yearn to leave the tourist trail behind our 22 day extends the 13 day RN7 trip along the southern coast of Madagascar. The lush forests of Ranomafana National park offer wildlife watching worthy of a David Attenbourgh documentary guided by Theo who actually guided the great man when he visited Madagascar! The highly endemic spiny forests of the extreme south west offer moon like landscapes with weird and wonderful vegetation, emblematic baobabs and lakes full of flamingos. On the central plateau you will visit Isola national park, hike Madagascar's own 'grand canyon', meet its lemurs, marvel at the amazing rock formations and immerse yourself in the rich cultural history of the Bara tribe, from rock tombs to wild silk weaving. All this while allowing time on the deserted beaches of the southern coast to relax and enjoy the plentiful seafood and, for adrenaline junkies, the chance to try kite surfing with our specialist guide Avril.

This trip has some long days of travelling along difficult roads but offers the opportunity to get to know the real Madagascar well away from the tourist trail. The southern coast has few roads and is largely undeveloped. Isolated villages are home to nomadic fishing communities for part of the year. There is very little rainfall and it can be fiercely hot. However, if you are interested in the largely endemic spiny vegetation, want to see for life untouched by the encroachment of the west into local culture and don't mind less creature comforts for a few days this trip gives back in spades. Miremby will take you to places where you can swim across natural pools to deserted reefs, walk over coastal dunes picking up remnants of extinct dinosaur eggs and star gaze from deserted white sand beaches. We stay in hotels that respect the environment and community, from basic beach shacks to boutique hotels we can adapt the trip to suit your taste and pocket! It can be enjoyed from north to south or in reverse.