You toes sink into powdery sand and bit of salty, turquoise water rushes past your submerged feet. You take a deep breath and inhale the fresh ocean breeze. It smells a bit of seaweed, but you don't mind. You're here. Really here! 

Or perhaps instead of seaweed and salt water, you smell the fridged scent of ice. You're floating at the base of a miles-long glacier on a cruise ship. A puff escapes your mouth at each breath you take as your eyes take in the sheer immensity that is before you. 

The scene switches. Gone is the glacier and in its place, you find yourself looking up, up, up. Your head is tilted towards the ceiling as you take in the artistry of the Sistine Chapel. You've spent the morning perusing the many histories of this ancient city you are in and have come to this moment. You are here and THIS IS THE MOMENT. 

Whatever your "this is the moment" for you, I am here to make it happen. 

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