Do you know what I love most about my work? Incurable case of Wanderlust aside, what I truly cherish as an inspiration junkie is the privilege of being a part of designing and implementing people's dreams. I believe that travel is an extra-special part of our personal story, so let's craft it like a best-seller!


I also take tremendous pride in being your personal advocate, before, during and after your travels. Providing first-class, personalized service is an integral part of my business and I strive to deliver the impossible as a matter of routine. Travel & culture are my passions, but building & maintaining relationships is my strength.

History, literature, art and, music have spurred on and marked most of my travel adventures. One of my most moving travel memories is listening to "Wind of Change" in Gorky Park during Russia's 1992 political transition period, and "Africa" while touring an African Wildlife Preserve in Malawi. It's incredible to find yourself in the very moments you've daydreamed about.


What's fueling your passion to roam and to where? Spare me no details, I'd love to hear all about it!