Funny story: I’ve never been able to work a 9-to-5 job because it conflicts with my travel plans. Seriously. I’ve prioritized travel to the point that it has dictated my career choices. I have a Master’s Degree in International Business that I thought would fulfill my need for travel, but I quickly learned international business does not equate to international travel. Subsequently, I spent many years as a successful Realtor in California. This occupation gave me a flexible schedule and the means to travel.

I exited this career in 2015 to … you guessed it … travel! I spent four years touring the US and Canada in an RV with my wife, dog, and cat. Before this, I had done considerable international travel but realized I hadn’t seen enough of our beautiful country. These years gave me epic experiences and a first-hand appreciation of the fantastic land we live in. Once I was stationary again, I began asking myself what I wanted to be when I grew up. The answer to that question led me to this career as a travel agent. 

That’s my story. But what I’m most interested in is your story. Your dream vacation is different from everyone else’s. 

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